New Jobs

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320 results

Curator of Rare Books and Maps, Special Collections DepartmentSpecialist Librarian (PLB2) or Expert Librarian (PLB3) The Libraries intends to hire.....

The Patient Access Specialist position will perform work within the Integrated Call Center, part of the UI Patient Access Center. *Additional...

Healthcare Administrative

University of Iowa Health Care, Department of Health Information Management, Coding and Abstracting Division is seeking an individual to join our...

Legal/Audit/Risk Management

Perform cancer surveillance and epidemiologic research, maintain registry-based data tools, develop and monitor registry-related policies and...


The University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics Department of Nursing is seeking an Assistant Nurse Manager to perform specific tasks to assist members.....


The University of Iowa Health Care, Department of Pharmaceutical Care, is seeking a full-time Clinical Pharmacist to join our team. The clinical...

Pharmaceutical Services

The University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics Department of Nursing is seeking a Staff Nurse to perform specific tasks to assist members of the...


The University of Iowa Health Care, Department of Pharmaceutical Care is seeking a full-time Pharmacy Technician, certified or trainee to work in our....

Pharmaceutical Services

The UI Stead Family Department of Pediatrics, Division of Cardiology is seeking a Hospitalist to function as an Advanced Practice Provider (APP) in...

Advanced Practice Providers

The University of Iowa Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology is seeking a Patient Safety and Quality Improvement Coordinator. Within the Department....


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